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Advancement in the Field of Cartography:

· Technology

Cartographer, maps and other representational diagrams were widely used in hardcopies. But cartographer maps after the enhancement in science and technology have expanded its variants and working formats. Even though at that it was such an outstanding achievement marked by the scientist. But it wouldn’t be viable to compare that advancement with the current technology. In 1800 and late 1700s, the scientist had come up with the idea to make a loop in which they should have cartographer. Maps were designed in a way that it would fulfill all aspects required for cartography. Map can have all basic features that are necessary to include in cartographic maps.


Advancement in the Late 1700s

We had also witnessed in past that uprising period was tremendous in a way that all the available facilities had been taken out for extraordinary results. In which artistic details including sea monsters which played an essential role in diversified maps. Advancement was first related addition of macroscopic level images of different items. Other illustrations that were observed were the addition of sea animals of huge sizes. Cartographers used to add those methods that were more precise and result effectively. Also, it was on the priority that the accumulation of newer data that wasn’t discovered before. However, it was not easy to include those areas which were not available at that time.

Rise of Scientific Surveys

That advancement results in the formation of new graphs used for identifications. Those figures were not able to obtain without having prior knowledge about surveys. Geographical surveys were conducted in a row to obtain accurate outcomes. This was when global synchronization worked general meetings to get the fruitful data required for their identification. Countries tried to map their borders and lands along with coastlines. Advanced methods were also presented to fulfill military requirements. Military projects generally consume more cost and time, but the primary concern is accuracy and privacy, which had been successfully attained at that time.

Co Projects Launched

The scientific approach had been merged with military projects to check innovative methods. Western European countries and the United States who were significant beneficiaries of this advancement. This group of countries invested massively in these developments for the sake of their piece of land. It was the time where aerial photography was also introduced. Although in its infancy period scientist were worried about new developments. It was also figuring out to introduce a new method for aerial photography, and one of the most suitable ways was to use hot air balloons. It was praised by the technical teams of that time and honored by the observers of that field. Military tacticians also acknowledged the value for these achievements.

Types of Maps Used for Different Fields 

Although cartography was not too broad initially, due to continuous data and different geological surveys, it was decided to explicit the field or integrate the system in a manageable way, so cartography distributed among other categories. Some of them included in discussions to have a general view on cartographic maps specifications.

General Maps

Every category designed keeping in view that it must carry a wide variety. Here general is used to relating those places or areas with geographical information for instant, river, roads, lakes, mountains, hills, deserts and connected to it. However, artificial infrastructure has its new name. The topography includes artificial parts in it which include artificial infrastructure created with time.

Thematic Maps

These are specialized maps used for specific mass density areas in which point of concern in particular. For an instant, one has to present the crime ratio in one particular location. The first part will be having a straight map for that specific structure and adding required identifications if the population registry department has to elaborate a particular area according to its population, age specification, and death ratio. These maps are more accurate than general cartographic maps.

Cartometric Maps

As we discussed in cartographic techniques, every category for map description has its features and options. Similarly, cartometric is used to denote specific measurements that can include measures for a particular area or distance. However, this category was kept for navigational purposes in older times. That navigation maps were known as charts. The coastline and related boundaries are not easy to understand, and if one knew the complexity of sea routes. One wrong move can cause colossal hurdle for all those travelling with them.

Relatable Example of Cartographic Maps 

Suppose, two decades ago if a driver lost his way at night and pull out a piece of paper given at the time of travelling from authorities. Luckily with critical thinking, he eventually came out from trouble. In the same way today search engine map plays their role to move on further with ease and simplicity.